Zakład Włókienniczy Biliński Spółka jawna
ul. Adama Mickiewicza 29
95-050 Konstantynów Łódzki
NIP /Tax Identification Number/: 727-272-09-24
FAX: 42 211 05 06
To contact us, fill out the form below. We will respond as soon as possible. If you prefer to contact us by phone, see our contact details..
information on prices, preparation of fabrics for printing, production and sample orders
42 211 05 02 ext. 31information on dyeing, bleaching, finishing of fabrics and knitted fabrics; finishing and coating, standards
42 211 05 02 ext. 39development of colour for dyeing, providing colour samples, receipt of ready samples
42 211 05 02 ext. 26supervision of correct settlements, control of accounting documents
42 211 05 02 ext. 20/22/23information on preparing files for digital printing, designing custom designs, assigning production numbers to files
42 211 05 02 ext. 28/32/33/36delivery of fabrics for processing, including preparation for digital printing
42 211 05 02 ext. 17