We are pleased to announce that our company took 3rd place in the Forbes monthly ranking “Forum Firm Rodzinowych 2021” in the category of enterprises with revenues up to PLN 100 million in the Łódź Voivodeship.
This is a ranking developed by Dun & Bradstreet in collaboration with Forbes. The ranking includes companies in which at least two shareholders have family ties and they hold a controlling stake.
Additionally, companies were required to:
- demonstrate positive financial results in recent years
- have a net income in 2019 of no less than 10 million PLN
- be in good financial condition (not in bankruptcy or liquidation)
- operate continuously in the market for at least 15 years and have a good reputation
The awards are presented during the Family Business Forum, which holds meetings throughout Poland. These events provide an opportunity for business owners, experts, and project partners to exchange business experiences and knowledge.