The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and from the state budget under the Regional Operational Programme of the Łódź Voivodeship for the period 2007-2013 (ROP WŁ).

Project number: WND-RPLD-03.02.00-00-119/11

Project title: “Purchase of a digital reactive printing line with high resolution for introducing new services.”

Beneficiary: Zakład Włókienniczy BILIŃSKI sp. j.

Title of the axis and activity from which the project was co-financed: Priority axis III: Economy, innovation, entrepreneurship. Action III.2. Raising innovation and business competitiveness.

Total project value: PLN 3,271,800.00

Co-financing from RPO WŁ: PLN 1,499,974

Including ERDF co-financing: PLN 1,274,977.90

Project description: As a result of the project’s implementation in the applicant’s company, new finishing services for fabrics will be introduced, as well as knowledge-intensive services in the field of analysis and industrial research of fabric finishing and dyeing technologies.

The project involves investment in the application of innovative digital printing technology and related steam processing technology.

Project implementation period: 03-2012 – 03-2013

European Funds for the Regional Development of Łódź.

Quotation requests: