All posts by Paulina

“Łódź Young Fashion Award” 2018

On October 20, 2018, the Grand Finale Gala of the International Competition “Łódź Young Fashion Award” 2018 will take place.

This marks the conclusion of an international competition aimed at young fashion designers from around the world. The winner will receive the MANEQUINE 2018 statuette and a cash prize of 30,000 EUROS, funded by the City of Łódź. Participation in this event is an opportunity for unknown designers to shine in the fashion industry. Our company is proud to support this extraordinary initiative.

Venue: Fashion Promotion Centre of the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź(ul. Wojska Polskiego 121, Łódź)

Gold Cross of Merit

On December 13, 2011, the PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND, Bronisław Komorowski, awarded Mr. Waldemar Biliński the Order of the Golden Cross of Merit.

Established in 1923, this order is bestowed upon individuals who have rendered exceptional services to the Polish State or its citizens beyond their duties, as well as individuals who have distinguished themselves in public or charitable activities.



RGB Regional Color Group Project

Our company provided technical and substantive support to the RGB Regional Colour Group Project implemented by the Tres Foundation. The goal of this initiative is to document, archive and share unique phenomena in the field of folk colour terminology used in folk costumes of several regions of Central Poland (including Opoczno, Rawa, Łowicz).

By measuring individual colours with a spectrophotometer, we helped translate the colours into laboratory language and thus into Pantone and RGB. Colours have gone from natural to chemical dyeing.

The rural colour palette and names assigned to them, for example in Opoczno dialect: “wiatrowy” (very dark saturated pink), “ponsowy,” (dark red) “ogniowy” (dark red), “koco” (very dark saturated green), “lekstrycno” (very dark blue), in the Rawa dialect: “modry” (very dark /mostly black/ blue), “kapuściany” (very dark cyan -lime green), “zgniły” (very dark green), “olejowy” (very dark yellow /olive tone/), “wściekły” (very dark blue), “bledziutki” (strong blue), in the Łowicz dialect: “gonsiockowy” (moderate yellow), “mechowiutki” (very dark green), “dubeltowy” (vivid orange), “niebowy” (dark cyan), “besowiutki” (mostly desaturated dark magenta), “ceglaty” (moderate red), “sannicki” (dark red) were akin to contemporary color models such as Pantone, CMYK, HSB, or RGB.

These names and associated colours represent a unique intangible heritage of Central Poland, which is fading before our eyes. This is the last moment to capture this colour treasure. Traditional and beautiful regional colour palettes can now be accurately utilized by modern technology. We are delighted to have participated in such an intriguing initiative, and for those interested, please visit the website